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Can I Drink Coffee on Prolon?

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Can I Drink Coffee on Prolon?
Image Credit: pexels

Are you a coffee lover? If so, you may be wondering can I drink coffee while on Prolon?

The answer is yes! It turns out there are ways to enjoy coffee while maintaining a fast-combating diet.

This article will provide an overview of how coffee fits into the ProLone program, as well as tips for preparing and consuming your favourite caffeinated beverage during this 5-day eating plan.

What is ProLon?

ProLon is a fasting-mimicking diet that has been developed to provide the benefits of fasting in a safe and convenient way.

Developed by Dr Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California,

ProLon is designed to boost health and longevity while reducing inflammation and promoting weight loss.

can i drink coffee on prolon
can I drink coffee on Prolon

It works by simulating the effects of intermittent fasting with meals that are low in calories but nutrient-rich,

Allowing your body to experience the same positive benefits as if you had fasted for five days without having to endure long periods of hunger.

ProLon does not require any drastic lifestyle changes or special preparation,

rather it comes as a single box filled with ready-to-eat meals such as soups, energy bars, snacks and drinks which provide all necessary nutrients for five days.

How does Prolon work?

Prolon is a five-day fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) developed by researchers at the University of Southern California.

It’s an innovative diet that has been scientifically proven to improve health and longevity without having to starve yourself.

Step -1

Prolon uses carefully calibrated plant-based meals, snacks, and supplements

Step -2

Along with periodic fasting in order to reduce inflammation and cell damage while boosting energy levels.

Step -3

This unique diet program allows your body to experience all of the benefits of fasting without depriving you of essential nutrients.

Step -4

The meals are specially formulated with micronutrients, macronutrients, and phytochemicals

Step -5

That simulates the effects of fasting while providing your body with sufficient calories for everyday activities.

Step -6

Additionally, Prolon provides you with plenty of healthy fats and proteins for optimal nutrition during the five-day period.

Can I Drink Coffee on Prolon?

Many people are curious about what they can and can’t eat on the Prolon diet, including whether or not drinking coffee is allowed.

The answer is yes, but with some restrictions. Coffee is allowed in moderation on the Prolon plan. However, it must be consumed black and without any additional sugar or creamers added.

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In addition, caffeine should only be consumed in small amounts since it may interfere with the body’s hormonal balance during the fasted state of Prolon.

This means that if you do decide to drink coffee while following this diet, you should stick to just one cup per day and avoid caffeinated drinks like energy drinks or sodas altogether.

Can I have decaf coffee on ProLon?

The program includes 75% plant-based foods along with additional supplements that provide specific nutrients and micronutrients needed for the body to thrive during fasting.

It also allows for some low-calorie beverages such as unsweetened herbal teas or decaffeinated coffee.

Since decaf coffee does not contain calories, it makes a great drink choice following ProLon’s guidelines.

How many cups of coffee will break a fast?

If you absolutely can’t live without it, we allow up to one cup of black coffee (8 fl oz) or up to two cups of decaf coffee or black/green/white tea (16 fl oz).

As always, we recommend following the program as instructed for maximum results.

Generally speaking, if you are drinking black coffee without added sugar or dairy products then it should be fine to consume one or two cups during your fasting period.

What can I drink on ProLon fast?

During ProLon fasting, it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

It’s also recommended that you drink

  • Herbal teas
  • Tea made with stevia (if desired)
  • Bone broth
  • Vegetable broths
  • Green vegetable juices such as:
  • Spinach juices
  • Kale juices

Additionally, freshly squeezed lemon water is allowed during ProLon, provided there are no additional sweeteners added.

What do you eat on ProLon?

The ProLon meal program provides a variety of healthy,

plant-based foods that are designed to provide your body with all the essential nutrients it needs while still allowing your body to experience many of the benefits associated with intermittent fasting.

The meals include things like,

  • Olives
  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Soups
  • Bars

All ingredients are organic and non-GMO certified and have been carefully selected for their health benefits.

How much does ProLon cost?

It is a unique dietary approach that offers many benefits including improved cognitive function, reduced inflammation, weight loss and enhanced metabolic health.

But how much does it cost?

The cost of Prolon varies depending on which package you choose.

There are three packages available: one for individuals, one for couples and one for families.

Prolon Price Chart:

Pack ForCostTime
Individual Pack $249Per month
Couples Pack $448Per month
Family Pack $648Per month

Who should not use ProLon?

When it comes to fasting, ProLon is a popular option for those looking to jumpstart their health and wellness journey.

But who should not use ProLon? It’s important to understand the risks of any diet before beginning it.

Before trying ProLon, individuals should consult with their doctor or healthcare provider to decide if this fasting method is right for you.

ProLon is not recommended for anyone

  • Under the age of 18
  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding women
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Cancer
  • Congestive heart failure

Risks and Precautions: Do not use ProLon if you are allergic to:

  • Nuts,
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Oats
  • Sesame
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or any other ingredients in ProLon.

People on certain medications should also avoid using ProLon without consulting with a doctor first,

as some drugs can interact negatively when combined with prolonged periods of fasting.

Additionally, those struggling with disordered eating patterns or eating disorders should talk to a mental health professional before attempting this type of fast.

You may ask:

Does ProLon burn fat?

The ProLon diet consists of consuming specific foods for five days and then following a regular healthy diet for the rest of the month.

The purpose of this diet is to reduce inflammation, jumpstart metabolism, reset cells, and boost immunity.

While it is true that following this type of intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss due to the reduction in calorie intake, the question remains: Does ProLon actually help you burn fat?

Yes! Studies have shown that ProLon can help reduce body fat without sacrificing muscle mass or slowing down your metabolic rate.

Does ProLon reset your metabolism?

ProLon is a five-day fasting-mimicking diet that has recently become popular among health enthusiasts and those looking to reset their metabolism.

Proponents of ProLon claim that it can help improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation and aid in weight loss.

Does ProLon reset your metabolism?

To answer this question, we must first understand what metabolism is and how our bodies use energy from food.

Metabolism is the process by which our body converts the foods we eat into energy that it can use to perform different tasks such as walking, running and thinking.

When our metabolism is healthy, it allows us to burn fat more efficiently while also helping us maintain a healthy weight.

Can you stop ProLon after 4 days?

Can you stop ProLon after 4 days?  Many people are curious if they can stop the popular 5-day ProLon fast-mimicking diet anytime during the five days.

The answer is yes, it is possible to shorten the 5 day program and finish after just four days. However, there are certain things you should consider before doing so.

The first thing to keep in mind is that ProLon was designed to be followed for a full five days in order to gain maximal benefits from the diet such as improved metabolic health and weight loss.

Shortening this period may result in fewer benefits, as well as increased hunger and cravings when you go back to your regular eating habits.

What is the average weight loss on ProLon?

The ProLon diet is a popular choice for those looking to lose weight. It promises to help you shed pounds quickly and safely, but what kind of results can you expect from following this plan?

The average weight loss experienced by people who follow the ProLon diet varies, but it is typically between 4-7 pounds in five days.

This approach to weight loss does not involve the deprivation that other diets require.

Instead, it focuses on replenishing the body’s natural energy stores with healthy nutrients and detoxifying the body of toxins that can cause unfavourable cravings and slow down metabolism.

This makes it possible to lose weight faster than typical calorie restriction methods alone.

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Additionally, research has found that this type of fasting also has significant health benefits beyond just losing some pounds.

Does ProLon make you gain weight?

The short answer is no. ProLon does not make you gain weight. In fact, it is thought to have many benefits such as increasing longevity and improving cognitive function.

The meals provided by ProLon are also low in calories, which helps promote weight loss rather than weight gain.

Can I do ProLon on my period?

ProLon is a meal replacement program designed to help people lose weight and improve overall health. Many people have wondered if it is safe to do ProLon while on their period.

The answer is yes! Not only can you do ProLon while on your period, but it may even be beneficial for those suffering from PMS symptoms.

There are several reasons why doing ProLon during your menstrual cycle could be beneficial.

First, the program helps reduce inflammation in the body, which can ease cramps and other pain associated with menstruation.

Additionally, by eating nutrient-rich whole foods like fruits and vegetables throughout the week,

you’ll get essential vitamins and minerals that can help alleviate hormonal imbalances that often cause uncomfortable PMS symptoms such as fatigue or mood swings.


  • Many people put small amounts of the following additives into their coffee to avoid breaking a fast:
  • Nutmeg.
  • Cocoa.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Almond milk.
  • Himalayan sea salt.
  • Coconut oil.

While this diet allows for some flexibility in terms of what type of activities you can do while on it – such as light walking or biking – more intense forms of exercise should be avoided due to potential risks.

Day 2: Calories are cut on day 2! You are introduced to the “L-Drink” and I had some confusion about this at first too! This is to be put in the ProLon bottle provided along with water to drink throughout the day

You can refer to the Transition Day Meal Plan, but in short, we advise you to keep your meals light and small. Start with liquid foods, like soups and fruit juices, followed by things like rice, pasta and small portions of meat, fish and/or beans.

Wondering how much water to drink while fasting on ProLon? We recommend at least 64oz of liquids per day (equivalent to 3 refills of your ProLon water bottle) to stay hydrated. But get creative! Try pairing your Tropical Berry L-Drink with our Hibiscus Tea for a refreshing zing that keeps you satisfied.


Coffee is a popular drink that many people enjoy regularly, but some people follow Prolon, so the question remains Can I Drink Coffee on Prolon?

The short answer is yes! It is possible to drink coffee while following the Prolon fasting-mimicking diet.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that coffee can affect your body differently depending on how much and when you consume it.

Therefore, it’s important to consider the type of coffee that you choose and be aware of any potential side effects like caffeine jitters and dehydration.

In conclusion, consuming small amounts of black or green tea during the five days of Prolon may provide health benefits without impacting your fasting goals negatively.


Hello Friends, My Name is Viren (Author) I am a Full-Time Blogger and Founder of CoffeePeas.Com,I have made this website for those people who want to learn world-class coffee making just by sitting at home.You can access the complete step-by-step process for free by subscribing to this blog.