About US

About Us

About us: Entrepreneurs who have a plan to develop and offer dishes that are sure to pique your curiosity.

Keep in mind our position as a family-owned and managed business, we want to make you feel at home in a place that is at ease and secure. Relax and savor your tasty food and beverage, be content and happy, and return in the near future.

We promise to provide the freshest ingredients, nutritious options, and innovative dishes. We want at making you our customer, feel as if you are part of the family, with a smile and pleasant talk…

We also discuss kitchen appliances like blenders, juicers, and espresso makers… so that you can create the perfect juice or smoothie at your home.

Here we pay a lot of attention to your coffee test as well as the caffeine in your coffee.

And we are also giving you information about caffeine through this blog.

Because we are well-wishers of our Rades

Our Mission

Our aim is to help you improve your barista skills.

Therefore, we blog each day and try to grow our content by keeping up with various websites, blogs, and YouTubers. We publish a range of content every day. Our content is carefully written and thoroughly researched and of the highest quality.

We are as passionate about coffee as you do. So, stay here and get to know us!

In this blog, we will give you detailed information about these topics.




Follow Us On Social Media

Connect with us on social we will also be posting amazing content on social media where you can find videos, infographics, and more useful content which can educate you better.





We love coffee and want to spread our love through this blog.

Contact Us – Coffeepeas

The owner of the website

Name: Viren

Email: cjviren@gmail.com

Phone: +91-7261978031

Address: Amravati, Maharashtra, India.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/viren-viren-6592a1277